Hematolojik Kanser Tanılı Hastaların Kemik İliği Örneklerindeki Kromozomal Anomaliler: Tek Merkezden 109 Olgunun FISH Sonuçları



Objective: Hematological cancers are a group of neoplasms that affect the bone marrow, blood and lymph nodes, usually associated with structural numerical chromosomal abnormalities. Bone marrow examination in hematological has an illuminating guiding role diagnosis prognosis disease. In our study, it was aimed to retrospectively evaluate results obtained by using Fluorescent Situ Hybridization (FISH) method certain genetic disorders patients cancer. Materials & Methods: between January 1, 2021 November 30, The from samples 109 (KML n=14, AML n=40, KLL n=6, ALL n=27, M.Myelom n=22) pre-diagnosis cancer, who were referred Dicle University Faculty Medicine, Department Medical Biology Genetics, Hematology other clinics, analyzed terms age, gender, disease distribution. All included study evaluated anomalies, changes, or presence balanced translocation. Results: There 47 female 62 male patients, mean age 48±21.6 years. As result cases, known for AML; t(15;17), monosomy 7 trisomy 8, t(9;22) KML; del(13q14) del(17p13) KLL, t(11;14)(q13;q32) M. Myeloma, (t[9;22]) (bcr-abl) t(4;11) chromosome changes such as shown first. addition, comparison groups, no significant difference found materials participating female. Conclusion: this which we conducted prediagnosed cancer FISH method, regarding prognostically important anomalies diseases. Rapid accurate diseases is very treatment planning course result, considering difficulty obtaining cells taken under limited difficult conditions according results, concluded powerful effective technique used genetics, since provides opportunity work even interphase cells.

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عنوان ژورنال: Ege t?p bilimleri dergisi

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['2636-851X']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33713/egetbd.1118486